About Us: Kim & Brooks Curtis
Kim has been in the Health and Fitness industry for 30+ years now. She is a certified NASM Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist with specialization certifications for the following areas:
Pre & Post Natal client
Seniors, Adolescent & Special Populations
NASM Solution to Weight Management
Cardiorespiratory Training for Fitness & Sports Performance
Neuromuscular Stretching
Integrated Reactive, Balance, Flexibility and Core Training
Manual Muscle Testing & Positional Isometrics
Speed, Agility & Quickness Training
Kim holds a Masters of Education in Health, PE and Recreation and a Bachelor degree in Recreational Therapy with an Allied Health Administration minor. She also completed the Athletic Trainer (Sports Medicine) program at SWOSU.

Brooks is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. He has a Bachelor degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation with a Biology minor. He had a 13 year football career including 4 years college level at SWOSU. He was a site coordinator and group trainer for the ADAMS speed/strength development course and 5 years training employees at UPS how to safely and effectively lift heavy objects. After a little more than 10 years of service with the Oklahoma City Police Department, Brooks recognized his own health issues and decided to make changes in his professional and personal life. This profession allows him to make healthier choices for himself and his family. It also allows him to help others improve their lives by helping them make changes necessary to lead healthier and fuller lives.
Personal Training is just that- Personal. Your trainer should be able to provide programming specifically for you. Not something they found on an Instagram post that looks COOL. Just because the exercise looks like something you have never seen before does not mean that it is the right exercise for you at your current level of fitness. You have to ask : is that exercise necessary to get you to "your goals", safely and effectively?
Tip: When choosing your personal trainer, always check their credentials. Make sure that their certification is nationally recognized and up to date.

I am not a dietician and I will never pretend to be. I believe in teaching each client how to make decisions about their nutrition without having to be told exactly what to eat. If you are educated about the choices around you then you can make better decisions about how you eat without eating like a robot. You have to set obtainable and realistic goals. I want people to have a GOOD relationship with food and nutrition.
Tip: First three letters in diet are what? Diets are for short time periods only. They are not a long-term answer. You have to take the time to learn your specific requirements for your goals and make it a lifestyle.

Training the muscles of the core helps correct postural imbalances that can lead to injuries. The biggest benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness—the type of fitness that is essential to daily living and regular activities.
Tip: Learn how to properly engage and strengthen your core so you can perform functional movements properly. Do this before you start performing any complex or heavy loaded movements. If you have a weak foundation (your core), your house will fall down.